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How to choose the form of chain conveyor

01st June 2023

In the production line, chain plate conveyors are widely used as a common conveying equipment. Different production scenarios require different forms of chain conveyor, so the forms are divided into straight, lifting, and turning. How to choose # chain conveyor #?

Straight chain conveyor

Straight chain conveyor is the most common form of transportation, often used for conveying at the same height. It can achieve multi-layer conveying in limited space, making production more efficient. It is the most widely used conveying form in production lines.

Lifting chain conveyor

The lifting chain conveyor is mostly used for the docking and conveying of upper and lower equipment, which is time-saving and labor-saving, and has high safety. Unlike straight chain conveyor, lifting chain conveyor can achieve height changes, making production more flexible.

Turning chain conveyor

The turning chain conveyor is mostly used for docking between two straight line bodies, and is suitable for packaging and packaging lines. It can easily transport goods in different directions and improve production efficiency.

When selecting chain conveyor, different forms need to be selected based on actual production needs. If the production site is limited, you can choose a straight chain conveyor. If you need to change up and down, you can choose a lifting chain conveyor. If you need to achieve different directions of transportation, you can choose a turning chain conveyor.

In summary, selecting the appropriate form of chain conveyor plays an important role in improving production efficiency and saving costs. I hope this article can help you better choose the form of chain conveyor